Taeniasis (tape worm): An introduction

CPD hours:

Taeniasis is the intestinal infection caused by adult tapeworms. Whilst millions of people worldwide suffer from taeniasis, mostly it has a limited impact on health, causing mild digestive symptoms.

However, Taenia solium, one of the two most common species can cause cysticercosis that can grow in human tissue causing nervous symptom infection and this is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.

In the developing world, cysticercosis is the leading, preventable cause of epilepsy.

This short module provides a brief outline of the transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of taeniasis.

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At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Understand how taeniasis is transmitted.
  • Outline the diagnosis and treatment of taeniasis.
  • Briefly list the prevention strategies recommended by the World Health Organization.

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • This is learning objective 1.
  • This is learning objective 2.
  • This is learning objective 3.
  • This is learning objective 4.
  • This is learning objective 5.
  • This is learning objective 6.

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